Compliance and integrity go hand in hand
Digital Reload shows zero tolerance toward corruption, violations of the principles of fair competition and other breaches of the law – and where these do occur, we take swift action. But compliance means much more than just adhering to laws and to the regulations described in the Digital Reload Business Conduct Guidelines. Compliance forms the basis for all our decisions and activities, and it is the key to integrity when conducting business. Our premise is this: Only clean business is Digital Reload business. This applies worldwide and at all levels of the organization. In addition to combating corruption and competition and export-control violations, the Compliance Department also protects our company against fraud and money laundering as well as safeguards personal data and human rights. We support the enactment of the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the Anti-Bribery Convention of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
What is the Digital Reload compliance system?
The Digital Reload compliance system comprises a comprehensive system of measures to ensure our business is always carried out in full accordance with the law as well as with our internal principles and rules. In the process, we also want to instil the notion of responsible conduct in everything that Digital Reload employees think and do.
Our Compliance System is divided into three levels of action: prevent, detect and respond. Preventative measures include, for example, compliance risk management, guidelines and procedures, and comprehensive training and advising of employees. Communication channels such as our “Warn us” reporting system as well as fair internal investigations are indispensable to recognizing and resolving matters of misconduct. Unambiguous responses and clear consequences serve to punish misconduct and eliminate weaknesses. The responsibility all managers carry for compliance is the overarching element above these three levels.
Our actions with respect to colleagues, business partners, shareholders and the public are characterized by integrity and responsibility. Digital Reload does not tolerate any violations of applicable laws or the Digital Reload Business Conduct Guidelines (compliance).
With the communication channel “Warn us”, Digital Reload offers the opportunity to report specific information concerning suspected compliance violations. Technical administration of Warn Us is maintained by the independent company Business Keeper ICP TS GmbH, and the application is stored on secured servers in Germany. The examination of the content is performed exclusively by Digital Reload.
The information you provide will be handled in strict confidentiality and only shared with the parties responsible for further examination of the report. Digital Reload encourages you to disclose your identity.
The information you report can lead to the initiation of internal investigations as well as investigations by public authorities and other consequences. For this reason, only share information that is true to the best of your knowledge. There will be significant consequences for the knowing submission of false or misleading information. The knowing dissemination of false information is a criminal offence in many countries. Reports made in good faith and to your best knowledge will not result in any negative action by the company.
Please note: Warn Us is not an emergency service! Please do not use this service to report an immediate threat to life, health or property since this communication channel is not designed to receive such information. If necessary, inform the competent authorities or the competent internal security department.
Do not provide us with any information if doing so is a criminal offence according to the laws of your country. This applies in particular in connection with the sharing of state secrets.